Wednesday, November 11, 2009


OK, so I have been to see my wonderful doctor. I had a complete work up, EKG, urine and full blood screening for who knows what. My blood pressure was high for the first time ever. I know those who know me find that hard to believe. That is that my blood pressure has never been high before, but it hasn't. Found out that I have a urinary tract infection which completely surprised me, no symptoms are present that I am aware of. Got med's for that. Took a bucket full of all my medications that I am currently on and she did some re-evaluating and took me off some of them and put me on some new ones. She is not the doctor who originally put me on these med's to begin with. It was my neurologist. I am canceling him out, I have realized there have been many errors made in my medication management that are and could of been if I continued to stay on them very detrimental to my life as a whole. I think, I know part of what I have been going through had to do with the enormous amounts of med's that were being mixed and combined inharmoniously throughout every vein in my body. No chance to even harmonize a simple ballet. I am sure of one thing, I am in the right medical hands from this moment on.


Katidids said...

Isn't it wonderful when you find a DR that will really listen! Even knowing your body will be rockin & rollin with the new meds mix/change, it sounds as if your going to be feeling a lot better soon!


Thank you so much for your response. I have been with this doctor since she started her practice almost a decade ago. She is my primary doctor for all that ails me. I also had a neurologist who I have been blindsided by. I guess when your in it you can't see it. The proof was in the pudding, not good creamy chocolate pudding either. I am no longer with that said doctor. Heinsight is 20/20...I live to live for my mistakes. Hugs

Kathleen C. said...

Nothing much to add. Just letting you know I'm thinking of you. Someday I'll be less busy and back to living a life and friends... int he meantime I'll keep reading updates.


Kathleen, we all really miss you in the group. Thank you for thinking of me. Hugs, Gail

PLadd said...

One thing that is so hard to explain to another person is that someone can get a medical degree, but not be a useful doctor. I got my PhD from a medical school, meaning that a number of my classmates were also med students and some of my instructors had MDs. It was an eye opening experience. I have a bit of a distrust of doctors as a result.

More importantly, I wish that I had an answer for depression, ADHD, autism, mental retardation, neurodegeneration, alzheimers, ALS, HD. This is what gets me back into the laboratory each and every day. I know too many people including family and friends who suffer in silence. I glad that you feel comfortable talking about it. In addition to your creativity, it is what I like about your blog. Cheers--Paula

Jenny (GuppyLovesShark) said...

Hey Gail <3 Sorry to hear that you have been feeling down. I'm so glad that you have a dr that can hopefully put things right again. Hugs and loves!

Lynx said...

Well, it's been long enough that you need to post and let us all know how the new med regime is working. Hopefully better! I know how huge a difference it makes in your life to have the RIGHT meds, BTDT. Right now we are fighting with my 18yo's Quack to get her back on what the pediatrician had her on that *worked* and off the useless crap he has her on now. So much fun......